


Nuestra familia lleva cuatro generaciones dedicándose a la producción de Extra Virgin Olive Oil (EVOO). A mi abuelo, Manuel Segura Rodríguez, le gustaba producir y combinar AOVEs de extracción temprana para deleitar a familiares y amigos, que etiquetaba con el nombre de Segura y Mancha.

Tras muchos años de tradición elaborando aceite de alta calidad para los más allegados, mi padre Manuel Ramón y yo, decidimos compartir nuestro aceite familiar con todo el mundo y nuestro compromiso con la calidad, sostenibilidad e igualdad, nos llevó al desarrollo de Peña Luna.

Desde Peña Luna sentimos un gran amor por el campo y la naturaleza por eso queremos perpetuar nuestra historia y ofrecer la producción del mejor AOVE ecológico sostenible y respetuoso con el medio ambiente, conservando las costumbres ancestrales y el legado de nuestra familia.

Marina Segura. Tercera Generación.


AOVE Peña Luna - Manuel Ramón Segura y Marina Segura



Our mission is to produce a high quality EVOO, sustainable with the environment, for a discerning and conscientious public, who are excited by the flavours and aromas of a good Gourmet product.Cuidamos nuestro producto desde su fruto, priorizando la recolecta de la aceituna en su punto óptimo de maduración y manteniendo altos los estándares de calidad, obteniendo increíbles AOVEs.

Nuestra filosofía es apostar por lo ecológico, contribuyendo a la sostenibilidad y protección del medio ambiente. Para ello, combinamos los avances tecnológicos con técnicas tradicionales creando un sistema de producción único en el mundo que nos permite recoger la aceituna y obtener nuestro zumo en menos de una hora. Por esta razón, en Peña Luna decimos que llevamos nuestro AOVE del “Olivo a tu mesa”.

AOVE Peña Luna - Evento Ancestral 2024


Our Peña Luna Ancestral extra virgin olive oil is obtained from the milling in different proportions of the three varieties of olives (arbequina, hojiblanca and koroneiki). In this way, the flavours and aromas and other complementary aspects of each of the three varieties are combined to produce a unique and differentiated oil.

In our family, we have been carrying on the tradition that started with my grandfather for more than 50 years, Manuel Segura Rodríguez, by producing one coupage a year with the monovarietals of the harvest, in the Ancestral Event.

AOVE Peña Luna - Coupage Ancestral


Each of our Extra Virgin Olive Oils has a unique flavour and aroma that make it ideal for pairing with different dishes. Find out which ones in our blog:

Steak tartar

Steak tartar

We bring you another delicious recipe from @pimientaysal made with our Mandarina EVOO, we recommend you to follow her because she has some great recipes. Ingredients 🥩 250 gr beef (it must be a clean meat, without excess fat) 🧅 1/4 cup of olive oil 🥩 250 gr beef (it must be...


At Peña Luna we seek the preservation of the environment and prioritize quality over quantity. For this reason, we have created a unique production system that allows us to obtain extra virgin olive oil of the highest quality that is sustainable with the environment.

Peña Luna - Agricultura regenerativa



The effects of climate change increasingly affect agriculture, which is why, at Peña Luna, we want to be part of the solution and not the problem.

To do this, we combine technological advances with traditional techniques such as crop rotation and dry-land olive groves to avoid overexploitation of natural resources.

At Peña Luna we only use organic products to take care of our precious olive groves. We have been transitioning towards a 100% organic model for several years and in 2024 we will obtain the organic EVOO certificate for all our varieties.


Our Early Extraction EVOO is harvested around October and November (depending on the variety) when the olives are still green. This olive contains an Extra Virgin Olive Oil of higher quality and more beneficial properties for health. For this reason, it is considered the best EVOO in the world. 

In addition, its flavor is more intense and natural than that of a conventional evoo, which is why the use of early extraction extra virgin olive oil is increasingly common in haute cuisine. 

Aceituna de cosecha temprana
Almazara Ecológica Portátil


As for the extraction process, we continue to innovate by moving the oil mill to the place where we collect the olive, instead of the olive to the oil mill as has traditionally been done. In this way we avoid the time that olives normally spend in a container from the time they are picked until they are taken to the mill and processed.

Thanks to our Portable Organic Olive Oil Mill we extract our EVOOs with freshly picked olives, so we obtain a juice of exceptional quality with an incredible flavor and smell.


Traditionally, the olives have been harvested using 'shawls', which were placed on the ground to pick the fruit and dragged from olive to olive. The disadvantage of this practice is that it is common to end up stepping on the olives, which worsens the final quality of the olive oil extracted.

To avoid this problem, we have replaced the shawls with a mechanical umbrella that embraces the olive and the manual harvesting of the remaining fruit, so that our precious olives never touch the ground, thus guaranteeing the best quality EVOO at all times.

Recogida de aceituna manual



As people who work in the field, for us it is fundamental that future generations can enjoy a good as precious as Extra Virgin Olive Oil. For this reason, we are greatly concerned about the preservation of the environment and we are determined to continue improving our production system to create an EVOO that helps reverse climate change.


At Peña Luna, we believe that all people are equal and should have the same rights and opportunities. For this reason, not only are we proud to have a staff made up mostly of women, but one of the objectives of the Peña Luna Foundation is to support women in rural areas and make their enormous work visible.


As EVOO producers, our priority is to create a top quality oil that captivates even the most select palates. Our commitment to quality leads us to carry out tastings every year by Professional tasters and to participate in competitions that help us improve our EVOO year after year.

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