

Almazara Ecológica Portátil

Portable Organic Olive Oil Mill

One of the characteristics that makes our olive oils unique is their freshness. Thanks to our Portable Organic Olive Oil Mill, we can extract the EVOO ‘in situ’ by taking the mill to where the olives are and not the other way round, as is conventionally done. This...



Salmorejo is one of the culinary jewels of Andalusian cuisine, a cold soup perfect for hot summer days. This dish, originally from Cordoba, is characterised by its smooth and creamy texture, and its intense flavour, courtesy of the extra virgin olive oil...

Variedad Arbequina – Olivar, Aceituna y Aceite.

Variedad Arbequina – Olivar, Aceituna y Aceite.

La variedad Arbequina es una de las joyas más apreciadas del mundo del aceite de oliva. Originaria de la región de Arberca (Cataluña, España) esta variedad se ha ganado un lugar especial en las cocinas de todo el mundo gracias a su sabor suave y afrutado. El Árbol de...

Ensalada de Verano con Queso Feta, Miel y AOVE Hojiblanca

Summer Salad with Feta Cheese, Honey and Hojiblanca EVOO

Today we bring you a recipe that you are going to love: The Summer Salad. 🌿🍯🥖 Ingredients Feta cheese 🧀 Honey 🍯 Walnuts 🌰 Good bread 🥖 Spinach or the vegetable you prefer Dried figs 🍈 Hojiblanca EVOO 🌿 Preparation 1- Prepare the feta cheese: Use a block...

Aceite de Oliva Virgen Extra con Denominación de Origen

Extra Virgin Olive Oil with Designation of Origin

An oil with a Denomination of Origin (DO) or Protected Designation of Origin (DOP) is an extra virgin olive oil that meets certain specific quality, origin and production requirements, recognized and regulated by an official authority. This certification...

Aceite de Oliva Virgen Extra Sin Filtrar: Dudas y consejos

Unfiltered Extra Virgin Olive Oil: Questions and advice

Unfiltered Extra Virgin Olive Oil raises many doubts and controversies among EVOO consumers. In this post, we explain why we recommend consuming this type of oil during the first two months of the harvest and what changes may occur...

Mejor AOVE Ecológico de Sevilla 2024

Best Organic EVOO of Seville 2024

At Peña Luna, we are incredibly proud to announce that we have received, for the fourth consecutive year, the Award for Best Organic EVOO in the Province of Seville. This recognition reinforces our commitment to quality, sustainability and excellence in the production of...

Premios London IOOC 2024

London IOOC Awards 2024

We are thrilled to announce that our Ancestral Coupage has been awarded the Platinum Medal in the Quality category at the prestigious London International Olive Oil Competitions (London IOOC) 2024. This recognition highlights our commitment to quality and...

Cata de aceite profesional

Professional oil tasting

Extra Virgin Olive Oil (EVOO) is a high quality product distinguished by its unique sensory characteristics. Learning how to carry out a professional EVOO tasting is essential to appreciate its value and detect possible defects. In this entry of...

Ceviche de Pescado

Fish Ceviche

Looking for a refreshing and flavourful recipe to surprise your guests? Our cod ceviche with lemon oil is the perfect choice. This dish combines the freshness of cod with the citrus touch of lemon, creating an explosion of flavours in every bite.

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