



Our mission is to produce a high quality EVOO, sustainable with the environment, for a discerning and conscientious public, who are excited by the flavours and aromas of a good Gourmet product.

We take care of our product from its fruit, prioritising the harvesting of the olives at their optimum point of ripeness and maintaining high quality standards, obtaining an incredible juice.

Our philosophy is to go eco-friendly, contributing to the sustainability and protection of the environment. To this purpose, we combine technological advances with traditional techniques.


AOVE Peña Luna - Aceituna de cosecha temprana



We are committed to preserving the environment. In 2017, we began the transition to a sustainable production model with the launch of our Hojiblanca Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil.

AOVE Peña Luna - Premios Hojiblanca Ecologico

Over the years, we have been working on the transition of our olive groves to become 100% sustainable and every year we improve our production system to reduce our carbon footprint.

AOVE Peña Luna - Hojiblanca Ecológico
AOVE Peña Luna - AOVE recién extraido



In September and November, depending on the variety, when the olives are still green, we start the production of our Early Extraction Single Varietal EVOOs

At the ideal time for harvesting, we move our Portable Ecological Oil Mill to our farms and, in just half an hour, the olives are harvested and the milling process begins.

This type of EVOO, known as Premium, contains higher levels of polyphenols, vitamins and health-promoting properties than conventional Extra Virgin Olive Oil. It also has a more intense flavour and aroma and a greener colour.

Visit our blog if you want to know more about Early Extraction EVOO.




We maintain high quality standards, which means that only the best Extra Virgin Olive Oils we produce pass through our cellar and the quantity of bottles we sell is limited.

We maintain high quality standards, which means that every year an international team of professional tasters, with extensive experience in the EVOO sector, evaluates our early extraction single-varietal oils and their levels of fruitiness, bitterness and pungency, which are used to produce our Ancestral Coupage, a very well-balanced EVOO. a very balanced EVOO.

AOVE Peña Luna - Familia y catadores


How do we innovate in such a traditional sector?

Creando un sistema de producción único en el mundo que nos permite recoger la aceituna y obtener nuestro zumo en menos de una hora. Por esta razón, en EVOO decimos que llevamos nuestro AOVE del “Olivo a tu mesa”.

At Peña Luna we want to promote biodiversity and olive growing. We have olive groves located in the municipalities of Osuna, Pedrera, La Puebla and Antequera, where we grow different varieties of olives: Hojiblanca, Koroneiki, Arbequina and Pico Limón.

Our completely original production system is a sign of our commitment:

  • Quality: we strive to obtain the highest quality in our AOVEs. To achieve this, we harvest early, our AOVEs are evaluated by an international team of professional tasters and we are constantly improving our production system.
  • Sustainability: we have been committed to regenerative agriculture, sustainable production and ecological transition for several years. All our EVOOs are sustainable and this year we will receive the "Organic Product" certificate for all our varieties.
  • Equality: we believe that a fairer world is possible, which is why we developed the Peña Luna Foundation as a way of promoting equality, protecting the rural environment and promoting the social economy.



Nuestra almazara ha sido fabricada en Alemania, su tecnología puntera mantiene la estabilidad de la temperatura con materiales termoaislantes que reducen el consumo energético de la finca y aumentan su sustentabilidad.

On the other hand, it allows us to move it through our different olive groves and extract our EVOOs in situ. This allows us to reduce oxidative processes and extract the juice in less than an hour from the time the fruit is harvested, resulting in an EVOO of magnificent quality.

Moreover, by taking the oil mill to where the fruit is and not the other way round, we are committed to more sustainable production, greatly reducing our energy consumption and CO2 emissions.

AOVE Peña Luna - Almazara Ecológica Portátil



In order to obtain the best Organic EVOO it is very important to take care of the olive grove, the olives and the land that feeds them. Every year at Peña Luna we harvest the olives from a sector of our olive groves. Rotation in production allows us to promote the regeneration of the soil and the ecosystem, thus obtaining a better quality EVOO while taking care of the environment.

The management of water resources is essential for the production of organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil. For this reason, all our olive groves are rainfed, so they are only irrigated with natural rainwater. At Peña Luna we do not plough the land and we leave a natural mulch of grass to grow, which helps to absorb water and maintain the humidity of the soil when there is a drought.

But a dry-farmed olive grove is not only better in terms of the amount of water it consumes. Although their olives produce less oil than irrigated olive groves, the oil from dry-farmed olive groves is better in terms of quality and properties.

AOVE Peña Luna- Olivares sostenibles



When the olives begin to ripen and the conventional EVOO season begins, at Peña Luna we start the production of our Flavour Oilswhich we obtain in a 100% natural way by grinding the olives together with Garlic, Basil, Lime, Lemon, Mandarin and Espelette Pepper.

The oils we obtain maintain all the properties of Extra Virgin Olive Oil but with totally original flavours and aromas.

Our Flavour Oils, on the one hand, are an easy way to give more flavour to your dishes and, on the other hand, they are a challenge for the most demanding palates looking for the most exquisite pairings. 


AOVE Peña Luna - Aceites de Sabores
Maridaje con Aceite de Oliva Virgen Extra
AOVE Peña Luna - Olivares
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