cata aceite

Extra Virgin Olive Oil (EVOO) is a high quality product distinguished by its unique sensory characteristics. Learning how to carry out a professional EVOO tasting is essential to appreciate its value and detect possible defects. In this blog post, we will guide you step by step to perform a proper tasting and we will inform you about the main defects that can be found in the oil, as well as its main qualities.

What is an EVOO Tasting?

An EVOO tasting is a sensory evaluation process that allows the qualities and defects of olive oil to be identified. It focuses on the analysis of three main aspects: smell, taste and texture.

Steps for EVOO Tasting


1. Preparing the Environment

Temperature: The oil must be at a temperature between 28°C and 30°C to release its volatile compounds.
Tasting glass: Use a dark glass to avoid the influence of colour.
Ambience: Conduct the tasting in a place without strong odours and with good lighting.

2. Aroma Evaluation

Heating: Cover the glass with one hand and turn it gently to heat the oil.
Sniffing: Bring your nose close to the glass and take deep breaths to detect aromas. Positive aromas may include fruity, herbal and floral notes.

3. Flavour Evaluation

Tasting: Take a small sip of oil and distribute it throughout the mouth.
Appreciation: Identifies positive flavours such as fruity, bitter and spicy. These are indicative of a high quality oil.

4. Texture Assessment

Mouthfeel: Note the viscosity and persistence of the oil in the mouth.

degustación del aceite

Main qualities of EVOO


1. Fruity

Fruity refers to the aroma and flavour of the oil that is reminiscent of fresh fruit, particularly fresh olives. It can be green fruity (when the olives are less ripe) or ripe fruity (when the olives are at their optimum ripeness).

2. Bitter

Bitterness is a positive characteristic that indicates the presence of polyphenols, natural antioxidants that contribute to the stability and health benefits of the oil.

3. Spicy

Itching is another positive quality that is perceived in the throat and is also indicative of the presence of antioxidants. A good EVOO has a balanced itch that is not annoying.

Main Defects in EVOO Tasting

Despite the best efforts in the production of EVOO, some defects may appear. Identifying them is crucial to ensure the quality of the product.

1. Rancid

This defect is due to oxidation of the oil. It is detected by an unpleasant aroma and taste similar to rancid nuts or old butter.

2. Stunned

Occurs when olives have been stored too long before processing. The oil has a fruity or fermented smell.

3. Vinegary-Vintageous

Resulting from an inadequate fermentation process, this defect manifests itself with a vinegar or wine-like smell and taste.

4. Mould-Moisture

It occurs when olives have been in contact with excessive moisture or mould. The oil has a musty or musty smell and taste.

5. Land

It occurs when the olives have been picked from the ground and have not been properly cleaned. The oil has an earthy taste.


Professional EVOO tasting not only allows you to enjoy the unique qualities of EVOO, but is also essential to guarantee its quality. By identifying common defects, you can ensure that you always choose the best extra virgin olive oil.

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