Ingredients (4-5 persons)
🍖 1kg of pork cheeks
🧅 1 onion
🥄 1 teaspoon sweet paprika
🥄 ½ teaspoon cumin
🥄 ½ teaspoon pepper
🥄 ½ teaspoon thyme
🥄 1 teaspoon salt
🌽 Maize flour
🍷 1 glass of red wine
🚰 2 - 3 glasses of water
🫑 Padrón peppers
1️⃣ Heat a saucepan over medium-high heat with a drizzle of oil. When the pan is hot, add the pork cheeks lightly coated with cornflour and seal them for 1:30-2 minutes until golden brown, season with salt and pepper to taste and remove them from the pan.
2️⃣ Lower the heat, add the onion (you can also add carrots or mushrooms) and leave to cook for 10-15 minutes.
3️⃣ Once the onion is poached, add the cheeks again and add the glass of red wine. Allow the alcohol in the wine to evaporate a little and add the water, paprika, cumin, pepper, salt and thyme. Leave to cook over a medium heat for 2-3 hours.
4️⃣ Finally, we finish with a splash of hojiblanca EVOO to enhance the flavour, brightness and mellowness of the sauce.
🥔 Potatoes: cut the potatoes and boil them for 10 minutes. Drain and fry in medium-hot oil until golden brown.
Peppers: prepare a frying pan with half a centimetre of oil and cook the peppers over a low heat for 15-20 minutes, stirring occasionally.
Finally, plate the cheeks with the potatoes and peppers and enjoy! What did you think of this recipe?
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