🍚 250 g wheat flour
🍚 200 gr white sugar
🥚 3 eggs
🍫 1 bar of dark chocolate
🥛 1 plain Greek yoghurt.
🧈 2 tablespoons butter
🥄 3 teaspoons baking powder
🥄 100 ml mandarin EVOO
🥄 1 pinch of salt
1️⃣ In a bowl, beat the eggs and sugar for about 5 minutes (with an electric whisk) to try to double their volume. This will make it fluffy.
2️⃣ Add the yoghurt, citrus oil and mandarin zest and stir again until all the ingredients are combined.
3️⃣ Add flour, baking powder and salt (previously sieved). Stir with the whisks turned off and then turn them on (low power) until all the ingredients are integrated.
4️⃣ Pour the mixture into the greased baking tin.
5️⃣ Bake for 45 minutes at 180 degrees with heat up and down (preheat for 5 minutes).
6️⃣ Leave to cool and finish by covering with the chocolate layer.
If you want to keep up to date with our recipes, follow our social media profiles:
Facebook: EVOO
Instragram: aove_penaluna
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