aceite de oliva virgen extra

Unfiltered Extra Virgin Olive Oil raises many doubts and controversies among EVOO consumers. In this post, we explain why we recommend consuming this type of oil during the first two months of the harvest and what changes may occur if it is used after this period.

What is Unfiltered Extra Virgin Olive Oil?

It is a natural product that has not gone through the filtering process, preserving small particles of olive and water. This characteristic gives it a cloudy appearance and a more robust flavor. However, these particles are impurities that harm the quality of EVOO in the long term and the most common thing is to filter an oil for commercial distribution.

Benefits of Unfiltered Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Unfiltered oil presents health benefits such as higher concentrations of nutrients, antioxidants such as vitamin E and polyphenols, offering greater health benefits.
Además, una mayor concentración de clorofila hace que el sabor y aroma del AOVE sean más intensos.

When to consume unfiltered oil?

During the first two months, the oil retains its freshness, flavor and aroma at its optimal point. During this period, the levels of antioxidants and beneficial compounds are at their peak.

What Happens After the First Two Months?

Over time, suspended particles begin to settle, which can lead to defects in the oil:

-Particles can ferment, causing unwanted odors and flavors.

-The pulp can accelerate the decomposition of the oil, affecting its quality and safety.

-Loss of Nutritional Benefits.

-Reduction of Antioxidants.

-Change in Texture and Appearance.


Tips for Storing Olive Oil 

Some tips to maintain the quality of the oil for longer are:

-Store it in a Cool and Dark place: Protect the oil from direct light and heat.

-Consume it Quickly: Buy quantities that you can consume within the first two months.

-Close the bottles: avoid oxidative processes by properly closing the bottles after using them.


extracción temprana de aceite


Unfiltered extra virgin olive oil is an exceptional product that should be enjoyed at the time. At Peña Luna, we recommend its consumption within the first two months of the harvest to make the most of its freshness, flavor and health benefits. After this period, the decantation processes can introduce defects that affect their quality.

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